Hello Again,
Hope today started your week on a good note. I have begun where I left off last week. I have loaded most of what I wanted to get done but I still have more to go. I need to finish Ellie and Ethan the amigurumi elephants yet. They are coming along though.
It is Euro week and Top 10 added the theme to their site, which I added some of my things too. Euro week is one of the categories so I put them there since that is pretty much the flavor of my shops. Here is the site if you want to drop by and see. Vote too. There is some pretty cool things on there. If you like you can add yours too.


Catching up on adding some of the items I have finished and wanted to get up are on Etsy today. I introduced the Door Drops in both my shops and named the little coffee pot and cup as Cocoa Bistro. If you happen by send me a email with your opinions, I need them.

I am off to catch some zzzz. So until tomorrow…Sleep well and goodnight.

My Etsy sites are off to the right>>>>>here