I’m Finally Back… Yay!
It’s been too long.  How is everyone?
I am sure you are gearing up for the Christmas holiday.
I have to say this year is a lot different for me.
My husband and I have had one of our sons and
 his family live with us for awhile and this year they
have moved into their own place.
This has made room for our lives together to
begin again with just us, and
our guard dog…
can you say Scooby Doo.
and his side kick…
It is amazing, as there will be
No more little eyes so bright and expectant.
No more little people running through the house to
get the first hot cookies.
We will miss their precious faces
Christmas day but,
we are happy for them more.
 In this day and age it seems our kids
need more help then we did,
and we are happy to do that for them.
Decorating at my home will begin soon and I will  be sharing!
There is MORE great news!!!
I have a new Face Book page that you can follow,
it’s called,
“Within Home Decor”
“Kimberly Madson Art & Design”
will still be my business name
Please share your own home decor with us there!
I would like to do some catch up here for you,
to get all up to date,
and I will say it again, I am happy to be back.
We have begun remodeling our home for the last 3 months
and I have many updates to share with you all.
Here are some things I will be sharing soon…
1. Painted bedroom set for our new Guest room.
2. Finished Guest room.
3. Pyrographic signs and how tos.
4. A Mud wall that is totally AWESOME!
(…and How tos)
5. New painted wall in a daring dark color.
(Where to buy, paint numbers, more product info.)
6. Finds that you will be amazed I got and what I paid for them.
7. In the photo above, the very beautiful Buffet. Before and after pics.
In process as of today!
So much more!
One more thing….I am sharing my Cork Bellas too!


I am so excited to have
all this on the way and I
want to say you have all hung
in there with me and I
Love you for that.
More reason for me to share this
new adventure
with you.
God Bless You…
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