Today was the last of getting my web site re-vamped. I have it up and running. I like it so far. I will be working on it daily and adding to it often. I am going to be loading the new Door Pulls to Etsy and the web site soon. Etsy probably first, since I have to design a new page for them on my site. I still want to have an order page for the Clipurses and other items for sale on my site as well. You can order everything through Paypal.

I also have some new designs that I am introducing here first. I have made 7 different designs from one painting of “Little Black Dress”. I think they are really cute. I just thought you would enjoy seeing them. It will be a little while till I can get them into prints.

Still working hard to get it all out there. I hope you are all well and you are accomplishing all your goals and dreams. Until next time….


Sorry I forget my web pp address. Here it is: