Today is already March 2nd. My youngest grandson is 2 today. He is so precious. I haven’t been on here as much as I should be so I have made a goal for myself to really start Blogging.
I have opened another Etsy site for my crochet and amigurmui pieces. Here is the link. I have been doing a lot of pieces lately. I write the pattens down as I go and now I am just trying to get them made again from the patterns to make sure there isn’t any errors. The doll that is featured here today is something I started and then put down. Her hair is just fab. but it takes a long time to get it all done. Dedication to get it done too. If anyone wants to share their crocheting that they have done please send me a pic and I will share it here.

I have been busy with my other Etsy site too, it is doing really well. I have new knobs to add soon and have added new ones since I was on here last.
Well I would love to hear from any one any time…

Until next time,